Legislative Tracker (update)

Bill 94(2017) On 11/16/2017, City Council Bill 94(2017), was deferred in the Zoning and Housing Committee. An unusually long list of public testimony was submitted to Council.

Reso 17-276: Status (not adopted) This Reso proposed an amendment to the Land Use Ordinance (Zoning Code) to specifically define "wet bar" and limit the number of wet bars and bedrooms in a dwelling unit to ___ (the exact number was undefined). It also proposed to increase on-site parking requirements for new dwellings 3,000 sq ft or more. LINK to status and testimony.

The Dept of Planning and Permitting on 11/6/2017 requested additional information before the Resolution can be adopted. Effectively, this would typically kill the Reso, however, the Council amended the Reso with a 17-276, CD-1 version on 11/16/2017. It has not yet been posted online. 

Reso 17-198: Status (adopted). This Reso urges the Dept of Planning and Permitting to "increase enforcement, consider modifying the Department's administrative rules, and propose to the Council any legislation the Director deems necessary to address the problem of the illegal use of large residential structures in residential zoning districts...." LINK to status and testimony (includes a petition in support of the Reso with 148 signatures). 


  1. Thank you for posting this... it appears from the link above that CR-448 AND RESOLUTION 17-276, CD1 were adopted on 12/6/17, but the language of the Resolution still does not include actual limitations on FAR or number of wet bars (the portions of those sections are left blank). Seems to be unhelpful in resolving the problem or providing clear guidance to architects/builders/developers...


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